Home » Tech Education » Digital Ethics and Copyright » Digital Media Ethics Project – Part 6

Part 1  –  Part 2  –  Part 3  –  Part 4  –  Part 5  –  Part 6

Copyright Infringement/Software Piracy Website

Final Project Description:

Using the information from yesterday’s assignment (Part 5 Current Media Ethics News), you will be creating a webpage that will present your summary and opinions. The website will also link to the story you found yesterday, and include several other links to additional stories and resources.

Microsoft Publisher Directions:

1. Open the website template you have used in class – or download it here 

2. Using the page navigation bar on the left side of your publisher file, go to page 5 (or page 1 if you downloaded it on step 1)

3. This page should already be titled Software Piracy & Technology Ethics

***Note: This project can also be completed using any web publishing software or website, such as Google Sites

4. Using your answers from the “Current Events” worksheet from part 5, create a web page with the following items.

  • Title of page should be: Technology Ethics & Copyright Infringement
  • Article Headline: “Title of Article & Hyperlink to the URL”
  • Date: “Date of news story publication”
  • Quote area: “Include and interesting sentence or quote from story”
  • Summary: “Your 10 sentence summary from part 4”
  • Editorial: “Copy your answers from questions 6 & 7 on part 4”
  • Other Stories: “Find 5 more stories on the internet dealing with copyright infringement, illegal media downloads, or software piracy. List the titles of the stories and hyperlink to the web page”
  • Resources: “Find 3 online resources dealing with the above topics. These resources should help you avoid piracy, how to report piracy, how to copyright your material, etc. List the title of the website, and hyperlink it.”

5. Include one graphic on the web page with a description under the picture.

See the image below to see a sample of what your finished website could look like

Part 1  –  Part 2  –  Part 3  –  Part 4  –  Part 5  –  Part 6
