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Windows Tech Support Phone Scam Alert

Scam Alert

A scam that has been around since 2010 is still catching computer owners off guard. Several months ago, a co-worker approached me and told me how her computer had been taken over by hackers. After a little investigation, it turns out that her “hacked” computer...

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AppInventor Mobile App Development Project Series

Mobile Apps are where the next wave of programmers will find themselves working. For every java or html based website, there will eventually need to be an accompanying mobile app. MIT’s App Inventor 2 platform does a great job of introducing students to the concepts...

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Create A Maze on Scratch

If you haven’t tried out Scratch yet, it is time to get on the coding and programming bandwagon. The tutorial below will lead you through creating a maze on Scratch. This lesson will introduce you to the concepts of sprite movement, color sensing, and creating...

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How to format a MLA Report using Word 2010

MLA style format is one of the most popular styles for report writting. Most schools have adopted the MLA style, reserving APA for science and AP courses. It is the acceptable format for writing research papers based on literature. The tutorials below will lead you...

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Country Project using Google Sites

Use Google’s website building tool “Sites” to create a website showcasing information you have researched and gathered on during the Foreign Country Project 1. Log into your Google account and access your Google Sites account and begin by choosing the blank template. Using the resources below,...

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Merging Two Photos into One on Photoshop – Project

Using the skills you learned in the “Using the selection tools on Photoshop” and “Photoshop Smuge, Blur, & Transform” tutorials, you will create a vacation destination that you have “virtually” been to. Use your digital photo from your smartphone or classroom camera for use in...

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