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FBI’s SOS Safe Online Surfing Game is a Hit With Students

 https://sos.fbi.gov/ is a great resource for students, parents, and educators to help engange students in learning about online safety. The lessons are broken down into “islands” for the appropriate grade level and covers a wide range of online safety topics including: Privacy, Reporting, Cyberbullying, Passwords, Netiquette,...

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Cyber Bullying

This week we are discussing cyber bullying and Internet safety in class. Recent Illinois law helps protect citizens against cyber bullying and electronic harassment. See a listing of state laws here. Although this issue has been a growing problem since the advent of instant messaging...

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World Wide Web turns 25

Although it is hard to imagine a world with out the world wide web at your fingertips, it was only 25 years ago that this life changing technology was introduced to the world.  

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Subscribe to Learning21st News Updates If you would like to have a non-intrusive, automated email of new posts on Learning21st.com, please enter your mail address in the form below. If promise not to send you junk email, and only notifications of new updates. You can...

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Fostering Collaborative learning with GoogleDocs

Collaborative Learning using technology is essential to Common Core.  Google Docs on GoogleDrive gives teachers an easy, familiar, and free resource to integrate this into their existing curriculum and lessons. (Common Core Standards ELA.W.9-10.6, ELA.W.11-12.6) In the video, Sarah talks about leaving teacher comments for...

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Digital Media Ethics Project – Part 1 (Start Here)

This project series will lead you through a series of projects that will explore the ethics and laws behind digital media copyright infringement, illegal downloads, and software piracy. Part 1  –  Part 2  –  Part 3  –  Part 4  –  Part 5 – Part 6...

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How to choose a secure password you can remember

A recent news story announced that the new “worst” password is 123456, replacing “Password” as the number 1 most commonly used password. What are you to do, when your accounts are being attacked from every angle, and your password is your primary line of defense....

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Your Facebook post can get you robbed!

Social media is a great way to stay connected and share your life with your friends, but it is also a great tool for thieves to find their next victim. Do you REALLY know if you can trust all those “friends” on Facebook. Do you know...

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