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Digital Media Ethics Project – Part 6

Part 1  –  Part 2  –  Part 3  –  Part 4  –  Part 5  –  Part 6 Copyright Infringement/Software Piracy Website Final Project Description: Using the information from yesterday’s assignment (Part 5 Current Media Ethics News), you will be creating a webpage that will present...

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Limewire Shutdown

It finally happened. Limewire was shut down permanently. Check out the PC World news story here. The Wall Street Journal also has info on this story. This is a timely news story. We are talking about copyright infringement and technology ethics in class this week. It...

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Learn Python Programming for Free

Great resource that helps you learn Python programming for free. The site not only includes a selection of tutorials, but also an innerface to let you preview your programming results live. “Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this website is intended for everyone...

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Scratch Programming

Scratch is a great introduction to programming for students of all ages. With its simple to understand interface, and great price point (it’s free), it is a great educational tool for every computer classroom. Start by downloading the free application from MIT’s scratch website: http://scratch.mit.edu/ Next, take some time...

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MIT App Inventor

In the tradition of MIT’s great programming education platform, scratch, they have again created a mobile platform app creator. Using the same drag and drop model, students are exposed to a new “real world” application of computer programming skills. From MIT’s App Inventor website: “With...

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Teaching Kids to Code

Today's students will not only need to know how to use technology as an end user, but also as a developer. As technology finds its way into everything we do and use, there are people who are creating the code and technology behind the scenes. Tomorrow's computer courses should be less learning how to use the software, and more learning how to write that software. Here are some great resources to help kids get started. Easy enough for even the most elementary understanding of programming.

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Audio Resources for Class

If you are using music clips for a class assignment, make sure you adhere to the Copyright Fair Use Clause. freesound.org (New Resource) http://www.freeplaymusic.com/ Myxer.com IMeem.com Playlist.com Grooveshark.com 000audio.com 000AM.net Audacity software Download – A free, open source software for recording and editing sounds in Linux, Mac...

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Saving YouTube Videos to your computer.

You tube has great resources for the classroom, but it is not without it’s drawbacks. Besides many times being blocked by a district’s web filter, you have no way to control what “suggested” videos will appear at the end of a clip. Showing this live...

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Free Online Image Resizing

Digital cameras and phones take great pictures, but they are usually taken in such a large resolution that the resulting image is hundreds of megabytes. Great for printing, too big to email, upload, or insert. To fix this oversizing issue you need to resize your...

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