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Copyright friendly Images for Classroom Use

Copyright laws can be a tricky when you are looking for images to use in class or for research. When students are using the Internet to search for images, it gets even trickier. Google images is great for finding specific images, BUT you are opening...

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Grading GoogleSurvey Results – Flubaroo

Google Docs are a great tool to gather data and let stduents take surveys, but how do you used these tools to give students an easily graded test. Flubaroo just might be the answer. Flubaroo is a script that can be installed using the Google...

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Photoshop Smuge, Blur, & Transform

When merging two images into one via layers, copying, or masking; the key to creating a realistic looking crop job is becoming skilled at using the smudge, blur, and transform tools within Photoshop. The Photoshop tutorial will get you started with the basics of these...

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HTML Basics

A Techtorial in HTML LEARN HTML CODE Part 1 – An Explination of Basic Tags Are you wondering about the meaning of the symbols you used? Open the Web page you created, and then left-click and select View Source to see your HTML tags. This...

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HTML Examples

This site is a great resource for researching and playing with html coding. Covering everything from basic html to advanced javascript, this site gives you a cool preview of what your html code will do. Can’t remember the html code for tables….try it out on...

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Free Online Keyboarding Practice & Games

Although many classrooms use computer based keyboarding software such as “Typing Tutor,” there are a number of great free online keyboarding applications. One of the most comprehensive and useful sites is Sense-Lang.org. Use this site to get a baseline keyboarding test, work your way through...

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Augmented Reality Apps

What is Augmented Reality? According to Wikipedia “Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.” In laymen’s terms, augmented reality applications allow...

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