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Windows Tech Support Phone Scam Alert

Scam Alert

A scam that has been around since 2010 is still catching computer owners off guard. Several months ago, a co-worker approached me and told me how her computer had been taken over by hackers. After a little investigation, it turns out that her “hacked” computer...

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FBI’s SOS Safe Online Surfing Game is a Hit With Students

 https://sos.fbi.gov/ is a great resource for students, parents, and educators to help engange students in learning about online safety. The lessons are broken down into “islands” for the appropriate grade level and covers a wide range of online safety topics including: Privacy, Reporting, Cyberbullying, Passwords, Netiquette,...

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Your Facebook post can get you robbed!

Social media is a great way to stay connected and share your life with your friends, but it is also a great tool for thieves to find their next victim. Do you REALLY know if you can trust all those “friends” on Facebook. Do you know...

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