Just getting started with TeacherVUE? Need a refresher on how to get your classes up and started this year? This series of tutorials should help you hit the ground running this school year. Be sure to subscribe to Techy Teacher Tools on YouTube for more...
Google Classroom HELP for Parents and Students
Google Classroom is widely used by school to help facilitate face to face and distance learning. Knowing how to effectively navigate and organize your class as a student will help you stay on-top of the mountain of assignments, tests, and classroom resources. Check out our...
Zoom Tips – Trial By Fire
This past week, many teachers have jumped into the E-Learning world and are thriving on the Zoom platform. Here are just a few tips I have learned along the way. Zoom also has a great resource HERE to get you started.
Hosting a Zoom Meeting with your students
Many of us are just getting started with hosting an online meeting with our students. The video below will help lead you through some of the tips and tricks I have learned along the way. Navigating some of the initial settings and how to set...
Windows Tech Support Phone Scam Alert
A scam that has been around since 2010 is still catching computer owners off guard. Several months ago, a co-worker approached me and told me how her computer had been taken over by hackers. After a little investigation, it turns out that her “hacked” computer...
Control the lights on one of the White House Christmas trees with programming
Google and the National Park Service have collaborated to help promote coding, programming and computer science with kids across the world. The current holiday coding project leads students through programming the lights with a series of variables and settings. When finished, you can submit your tree design,...
AppInventor Mobile App Development Project Series
Mobile Apps are where the next wave of programmers will find themselves working. For every java or html based website, there will eventually need to be an accompanying mobile app. MIT’s App Inventor 2 platform does a great job of introducing students to the concepts...
How to re-create Flappy Bird on Scratch
With the recent success and subsequent disappearance of FlappyBird, you can make your own playable version on MIT's Scratch software platform. These series of tutorials will give you a good starting point. From here you can elaborate, expand, and enhance.
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Subscribe to Learning21st News Updates If you would like to have a non-intrusive, automated email of new posts on Learning21st.com, please enter your mail address in the form below. If promise not to send you junk email, and only notifications of new updates. You can...
Fostering Collaborative learning with GoogleDocs
Collaborative Learning using technology is essential to Common Core. Google Docs on GoogleDrive gives teachers an easy, familiar, and free resource to integrate this into their existing curriculum and lessons. (Common Core Standards ELA.W.9-10.6, ELA.W.11-12.6) In the video, Sarah talks about leaving teacher comments for...