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Student Favorite Typing Game – Nitro Type

Nitro type has quickly become a student favorite for speed building and fun. Your vehicle races against four other competitors with the speed of your vehicle determined by your typing speed and accuracy. You can race as a guest, or sign up for a free...

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Typing Man – Free Typing Game

Play this pac-man style typing game to hone your keyboarding speed and accuracy.   Flash required – more info and games here  KeyMan Copyright TypingMaster 2013. More typing games available here.

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Learn Python Programming for Free

Great resource that helps you learn Python programming for free. The site not only includes a selection of tutorials, but also an innerface to let you preview your programming results live. “Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this website is intended for everyone...

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Scratch Programming

Scratch is a great introduction to programming for students of all ages. With its simple to understand interface, and great price point (it’s free), it is a great educational tool for every computer classroom. Start by downloading the free application from MIT’s scratch website: http://scratch.mit.edu/ Next, take some time...

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MIT App Inventor

In the tradition of MIT’s great programming education platform, scratch, they have again created a mobile platform app creator. Using the same drag and drop model, students are exposed to a new “real world” application of computer programming skills. From MIT’s App Inventor website: “With...

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HTML Basics

A Techtorial in HTML LEARN HTML CODE Part 1 – An Explination of Basic Tags Are you wondering about the meaning of the symbols you used? Open the Web page you created, and then left-click and select View Source to see your HTML tags. This...

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Free Online Keyboarding Practice & Games

Although many classrooms use computer based keyboarding software such as “Typing Tutor,” there are a number of great free online keyboarding applications. One of the most comprehensive and useful sites is Sense-Lang.org. Use this site to get a baseline keyboarding test, work your way through...

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