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Google Classroom HELP for Parents and Students

Google Classroom is widely used by school to help facilitate face to face and distance learning. Knowing how to effectively navigate and organize your class as a student will help you stay on-top of the mountain of assignments, tests, and classroom resources. Check out our...

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New Google Drive features just keep getting better

With the beginning of a new school year, you may notice a few new additions and enhancements to Google Drive. With these ever-increasing updates, Google Drive and its accompanying app, continue to become a more viable replacement for your standard Microsoft Office applications. Voice Typing...

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Setting up a classroom or department website on Google Sites

Educators often avoid using this great free and powerful resource because the initial setup and editing process seems a little overwhelming. This series of tutorials will lead you through creating, editing, and sharing your new classroom, team, or department website using Google Sites.   Pre-Step:...

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Instagrok Visual Search

Instagrok is a fantastic visual search tool that can be used safely by students and teachers. With traditional search engines, your search results are often overwhelming, irrelevant, or distracting. The MIND MAP format of Instagrok serves as a great way for students to get started...

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How to format a MLA Report using Word 2010

MLA style format is one of the most popular styles for report writting. Most schools have adopted the MLA style, reserving APA for science and AP courses. It is the acceptable format for writing research papers based on literature. The tutorials below will lead you...

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Country Project using Google Sites

Use Google’s website building tool “Sites” to create a website showcasing information you have researched and gathered on during the Foreign Country Project 1. Log into your Google account and access your Google Sites account and begin by choosing the blank template. Using the resources below,...

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