Educators often avoid using this great free and powerful resource because the initial setup and editing process seems a little overwhelming. This series of tutorials will lead you through creating, editing, and sharing your new classroom, team, or department website using Google Sites. Pre-Step:...
Your class can chat with experts via Google Hangout
Google Hangouts is a great tool for expanding your classroom beyond the school walls. Why watch movies in class, when you can have a live chat session with experts in whatever field you are studying. Check out the clip below for a quick glimps into...
Fostering Collaborative learning with GoogleDocs
Collaborative Learning using technology is essential to Common Core. Google Docs on GoogleDrive gives teachers an easy, familiar, and free resource to integrate this into their existing curriculum and lessons. (Common Core Standards ELA.W.9-10.6, ELA.W.11-12.6) In the video, Sarah talks about leaving teacher comments for...
Collaborative Learning with Google Docs
Fostering student collaboration is always a challenge, but GoogleDocs provides teachers and students with a valuable collaboration tool. Check out the video below for inspiration and then check out other collaboration and productivity tools within the GoogleDrive collection.
Remind101 allows safe texting to your class or team
Need a quick, convenient, safe, and useful tool to communicate messages to your class, team, or club? Remind 101 may be the teacher communication tool for you. I have found that trying to find a universal communication tool is never 100% (or even close). Not...