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Country Research Project Series – Project 1

Foreign Country Online Research Project Series Summary/Description Follow the steps to choose and research a foreign country of your choice. You will gather information about the country’s demographics, government, economy, and tourist attractions. Since you will be leaving for this country the first day of...

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Fostering Collaborative learning with GoogleDocs

Collaborative Learning using technology is essential to Common Core.  Google Docs on GoogleDrive gives teachers an easy, familiar, and free resource to integrate this into their existing curriculum and lessons. (Common Core Standards ELA.W.9-10.6, ELA.W.11-12.6) In the video, Sarah talks about leaving teacher comments for...

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How to choose a secure password you can remember

A recent news story announced that the new “worst” password is 123456, replacing “Password” as the number 1 most commonly used password. What are you to do, when your accounts are being attacked from every angle, and your password is your primary line of defense....

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Collaborative Learning with Google Docs

Fostering student collaboration is always a challenge, but GoogleDocs provides teachers and students with a valuable collaboration tool. Check out the video below for inspiration and then check out other collaboration and productivity tools within the GoogleDrive collection.  

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Remind101 allows safe texting to your class or team

Need a quick, convenient, safe, and useful tool to communicate messages to your class, team, or club? Remind 101 may be the teacher communication tool for you. I have found that trying to find a universal communication tool is never 100% (or even close). Not...

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Copyright friendly Images for Classroom Use

Copyright laws can be a tricky when you are looking for images to use in class or for research. When students are using the Internet to search for images, it gets even trickier. Google images is great for finding specific images, BUT you are opening...

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Grading GoogleSurvey Results – Flubaroo

Google Docs are a great tool to gather data and let stduents take surveys, but how do you used these tools to give students an easily graded test. Flubaroo just might be the answer. Flubaroo is a script that can be installed using the Google...

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ScreenCast Software

It has become very popular to create screen capture videos of your computer activities for demo or tutorials. If you are not ready to shell out the $200 for the awesome Camtasia Studio (30 day free trial), here are some free versions that may fit...

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