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Instagrok Visual Search

Instagrok is a fantastic visual search tool that can be used safely by students and teachers. With traditional search engines, your search results are often overwhelming, irrelevant, or distracting. The MIND MAP format of Instagrok serves as a great way for students to get started...

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How to format a MLA Report using Word 2010

MLA style format is one of the most popular styles for report writting. Most schools have adopted the MLA style, reserving APA for science and AP courses. It is the acceptable format for writing research papers based on literature. The tutorials below will lead you...

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Country Research Project Series – Project 1

Foreign Country Online Research Project Series Summary/Description Follow the steps to choose and research a foreign country of your choice. You will gather information about the country’s demographics, government, economy, and tourist attractions. Since you will be leaving for this country the first day of...

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Internet Research and Website Reliability

Step 1 – Determine Website Type Identifying a website’s type is the first step in determining its origin and consequently its potential credibility and validity.  Although there are many steps to determine is a website is indeed factual and useful, use this as a first...

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