Home » Lessons, Projects & Resources » Lessons & Projects » Country Research Project Series – Project 1

Foreign Country Online Research

Project Series Summary/Description

Follow the steps to choose and research a foreign country of your choice. You will gather information about the country’s demographics, government, economy, and tourist attractions. Since you will be leaving for this country the first day of summer break, you will also need to find the costs associated with such a trip. The data that you gather will eventually be used to create a webpage, Mini Movie, and PowerPoint presentation.

Step 1 – Choose your foreign country

Use the list located at the CIA’s World Fact Book Website – NOTE: for this project, the country you choose should NOT be a territory of another country. You can verify this by checking the “government type” on the World Fact Book data page. If the government type is listed as “NA”, you will not be able to use that country for this project. Also, keep in mind that you will need to find flight and hotel information for your country. If you choose an overly obscure country, this will be difficult.

Submit your Country Choice HERE:

Step 2 – Download Project Documents

Download to your computer, the following two documents OR click here for a GoogleDoc version of the data collection sheet.

Download #1 – Country Project Data Collection Sheet

Download #2 – Works Cited Data Collection Page

Step 3 – Gather data about your country (Learning Objective 1, 2, & 4)

Use the Country Research Data Collection Sheet to gather data on your country –  Items without asterisk ”*” can be found on the World Fact Book website. Items with asterisk will be found on various other websites. Use your knowledge of search engines, website reliability ratings, and resource citation to find accurate data.

Use the Works Cited Data Collection Pageto keep track of where you find the info. – If you do not keep track of these resources as-you-go, it will be nearly impossible to backtrack your sources. You should have 8 – 11 sources depending on how many items you are able to find at each site.

Resources – Useful Websites

Research Hints: Try these websites to find some of your asterisk * data items:

Project Series Links: Project 1 Data Collection  –  Project 2 MiniMovie  –  Project 3 PowerPoint



  1. Zach says:
