Home » Lessons, Projects & Resources » Lessons & Projects » Create a Slideshow Movie with Movie Maker – Country Research Project Series – Project 2

Image Collection and MiniMovie Creation

Part A – Image Collection


Using the Internet, gather 22 images that correspond to each piece of data you have collected, along with one flag image.
These pictures can be an actual image of the data item, or something that just represents it. For example, the
“type of currency” data could have an image of your country’s currency.  – or-  Coordinates data could have an image of a gps unit or compass.
These files should be saved as image files on your H: drive. To do this, right click on an image and select “Save Picture As..”
You should gather an image for each of the following 22 data points:
Lat & Long
Area Comparitive
Time Conversion
Government Type
Capital City
Exchange Rate
Literacy Rate
Language Spoken
Average temperature
Round Trip Flight
Landmark #1
Landmark #2
Current Event #1
Current Event #2
**Country Flag

Part B – Movie Creation with Movie Maker

Using Windows7 Live Movie Maker software, create a mini movie slide show using the images you collected in Part A above.
Note: At Hill, this program can be found by going to “Start>All Programs>Multimedia”
This mini movie should include
  • · 22 images
  • · Caption on each image
  • · Custom motion
  • · Title Slide and Credits

Project Series Links: Project 1 Data Collection  –  Project 2 MiniMovie  –  Project 3 PowerPoint
