Setting up a classroom or department website on Google Sites
Educators often avoid using this great free and powerful resource because the initial setup and editing process seems a little overwhelming. This series of tutorials will lead you through creating, editing, and sharing your new classroom, team, or department website using Google Sites.
Pre-Step: Creating your site from a template
Before moving onto the steps below, you will need to make sure your team has created a shared team/dept website and has shared it with you. If you have not already created this site, see Step 8. If the site exists, but has not been shared with you as an editor, see Step 6 below.
Step 1: Google Site Template Overview
This brief overview discusses the various features and uses of the team/dept website template
Step 2: Editing your pages
How to use the editing tools within Google Sites…If you need more details, see my full Google Sites series here…
Step 3: Editing Side Navigation Bar
How to change the layout, content, and links of the left navigation bar.
Step 4: Creating and Deleting Additional Pages (including how to add them to your navigation bar)
How to add or remove additional pages within your website. Once these pages are added, they will also need to be added to the left navigation bar.
Step 5: Share and Embed Google Calendar (if you decide to use the shared Google Calendar option 3 as your homework option)
Step 1 explains three different Homework posting options. The most useful option is using a shared Google Calendar among your teammates, and embedding it into your team website.
Step 6: Share Settings (How to share editing rights, and how to let the public view your site)
You can add additional staff members as editors to your team website. Once finished, and ready to launch, you will also need to change the public view permission so the general web can view your site.
Step 7: Submitting your site (Internal IPSD process only)
This step is for IPSD staff only…
Step 8: Creating Individual Teacher Pages
If you would like to create an individual teacher page, in addition to your team’s page, follow the steps below to get started with a template. Then follow steps 1-7 for editing and sharing steps.